Mazzurati, a rapper who started his music journey back in 2008, is on a journey to the top. Inspired by artists such as; Wiz Khalifa, Talking Heads Eminem, and Outkast, this artist is definitely one to look our for.
Mazzurati said that he started music “writing raps and performing them in 5th grade, did that all the way through high school without ever recording on a mic. The year I left high school I hopped into a studio in my homies basement and never looked back.”
Right now, Mazzurati has gained 20,000 streams throughout his career, which is something to be proud of.
In 5 years, he says that he sees himself in a completely different lifestyle. He sees himself living in a new place with his financials all in order. He sees myself starting to be a cemented figure in the entertainment world. Lastly, he also sees himself being able to help people in the same field as well as his close loved ones.
Go check Mazzurati out, his latest song is named “Spanish Food”