3 min readMar 2, 2022

Pronto is Next up out of Tennessee! The 25 year old artist first started making music in 2018, But just recently has decided to go “all in!” We had the chance to catch up with Pronto and decided to ask him “How did you first start music?”. He had this to say “I started making music because music is my therapy. It was a unique and creative way to get how I really feel out of mind, body and heart and put it out into the world for others. I am starting to find out that my music is also therapy for others.” We found this to be a great response! Some artists start making music for hopes of money or fame, Pronto is different as he does music because it is a medicine or “Therapy” for him. After hearing this response we decided to ask Pronto “What do you enjoy most about being an artist?”. He responded with this “I enjoy the most that I can make an impact, as others go through things in life, they are able to hear my music and let it get them through tough moments or time periods in life. I enjoy that I can share an experience of what I went through and let my music tell other people they aren’t the only ones going through things.” We found this to be very interesting. Some artists make music and lyrics up from their imagination. Pronto may do a little bit of that but the main focus of his music is to tell or convey a story from his own life experiences. This is totally opposite from a lot of mainstream artists as they will usually have lots of different writers touch a song. The Pandemic has impacted or touched everyone’s life in one way or another. It has put a dent in a lot of plans artists had for the future, especially with things like shows. So we asked Pronto “How has music been through the Pandemic?” he replied with this. “You can tell since the pandemic songs aren’t really made for the club as often as it used to be so we are getting more songs with emotion in it, which is where I shine the most.” It is good to see Pronto get out of his usual style and make different music with everything going on. Some of the best music made is expermaintal so having an artist try out different sounds and flows is always a great way to find a new style. Different artists have different inspirations for different reasons. To know a little bit more of what shaped Pronto’s music we asked him “Who are your biggest inspirations?” He said these names back to us. “Rod wave, NAV, A Boogie, Polo G, and Aurora.” We found these inspirations to be prevalent in his music. Pronto’s music offers a variety of melodic flows,autotune and great lyrics. These things combine a lot of the different aspects of the artists that he listed! We, like everybody else, do not know what the future holds but we do know that it is important to have somewhat of a plan so that you know if you are making progress towards your goals. So we asked Pronto “Where do you see yourself in five years?” to which he replied with this. “Making music on a bigger level and being so successful that I’m able to just pull out my phone and call one of my inspirations just to chop it up.” We found this to be a great and realistic goal, If Pronto keeps up the same work ethic and drive with his craft he will without a doubt be able to do this! To this date Pronto has over 2.5 Million streams across the internet! His most recent single titled “Remember When” is live now on all major streaming platforms. To end off the write up we asked Pronto “What makes you stand out most as an artist?” We decide to leave his response competently unedited for you guys to enjoy! “I’m honest in my music, I’m not gonna act any other way. If I got my heart broken or played, it is what it is! We all go through things in life and if I can share my life in an honest way I feel like that’s more impactful.”


Written by OnTheRise

PR for Medium, Google News etc

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