Qualitty is next up out of Boston! The 22 year old artist was originally born in Texas but would later move to Massachusetts at a young age. Qualitty first started making music in 2018 but just recently decided to drop music under the name “Qualitty ” in 2021. We had the chance to catch up with Qualitty earlier this week and asked him, “How did you first start in music?” He had this to say. “I started actually trying to make beats in 2018. Around that time I was also writing a lot of poetry and journaling as a sort of escape from my mind. After a while of getting better with beats I thought I should try hopping on one of them and see how I like it. I’ve always wanted to do something with music but was not comfortable enough taking that step so I took the leap and stepped out the box and here we are today continuing to grow.”It is cool that Qualitty first started out on the producing side cause now he can edit up beats to make sure that they are exactly what he is looking for. He can also give better insight when working with a producer or engineer. This already gives him an upper hand on most other artists. People have different reasons and motivations for starting music, some do it as a creative escape and some do it for hopes of fame and status. This is why we asked Qualitty “Why did you first start music?” He had this to say. “My reason for starting has a little background to it. My family pretty much revolves around music. Growing up I saw and heard so many kinds of music in my family, you know parties were big and family functions with Karaoke and music blasting. I always LOVED music to the point where I was starting to connect to it and use it as another escape from reality and somewhere I can listen to someone I relate to when I feel there is no one else to understand. My mom actually went to a music school with none other than Beyoncé herself and there are plenty more stories in my family as well like I’m related to Bobby Brown as well, partner of Whitney Houston. Hearing all these stories and being so tied to it led to me trying music classes young in life like Chorus and Instruments. I fell off of it for a bit because of my basketball career but life was starting to hit hard and I tried to go back to making my own beats on GarageBand. I Started getting a little better with them and I was writing a lot at the time as part of my “meditation” each day. So I put 2 and 2 together then started recording tracks on my cheap mic here and loving the process of finding my voice and sound. Sooner or later I started hitting studios around me and going from there.” Qualitty has many family ties into music, It runs through his veins! Making music for Qualitty is almost not a choice but rather a path of destiny for him. Different artists enjoy different things about what they do, So we asked Qualitty “What do you enjoy most about being an artist?” He had this to say. “The thing I enjoy most about being an artist is that it feels like it’s my calling, that there is something greater for me here than if I were to be comfortable and stay in college and do something I didn’t want to. I feel happy doing what I do and eventually I want people to listen to my music and connect the same way I did and needed when I was growing up in this life. I feel like music is a loving community and the fact I can make a family of people just off the music I make is something I love as well.” Qualitty and music seem to attract together like magnets, they were always meant to be together. Everybody in all walks of life has inspirations. Rather it is a mainstream artist or somebody who works at a fast food restaurant. This is why we asked Qualitty “Who are your biggest inspirations?” He said this. “My biggest life inspiration in general is my mother. I watched her go through anything you can go through in life. She is the strongest person I know to this day and she continues to work hard despite anything. My biggest musical inspirations got to be Michael Jackson, Kanye, and Tupac for sure. Those are the people I spent a lot of my listening time on growing up and the way they changed music for years to come is inspiring to me.” We found this to be a great response as many people do not list their family members as inspirations when they most likely inspire you more than your favorite artist. You can also see the artist’s Qualitty listed prevalent in his music. We, like everybody else, do not know what the future holds but we do know that it is important to have a plan sketched out so you can tell if you are reaching your goals or not. So we asked Qualitty “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” He said this. “In 5 years I see and literally have visions of me touring the country performing my music for everyone. I want to be able to change lives. I’m not just In this for money or fame, seeing the smile I can put on someone’s face just by my presence or music I make is more than enough wealth for me.” We believe that touring the country for Qualitty is without a doubt possible as long as he keeps up the hard work and taps more into his potential. To this date Qualitty has around 30 thousand streams across the internet, His most recent song titled “Big Q Freestyle ‘’ is available on all platforms. To end off the write up Qualitty had some last things to say, Talking about the origins of his name. “My name actually comes from somebody one day saying that I have a Quality Aura about me. So I ran with Quality Aura for a bit on SoundCloud and did like no streams so deleted my page. But I then shortly after changed it to Qualitty because I’m giving a quality experience through the music but we also getting lit baby, plus it rings a little more. Only other thing I want people to know is that you can do whatever you want to do, those opinions you’re stressing about that people have about you or whatever doesn’t matter, follow your passion and express yourself, that’s it. Thank you.”